Beercast #51 – Hawkers Beer Showcase
We should have known something was up when Hudson told us to organise lifts to the podcast this week.
Upon arrival we were greeted to 3 of the BIGGEST beers in Border Barrels history, courtesy of Melbourne heavyweights Hawkers.
Gratzy’s heart is warmed by an obscure music reference for the Impending Doom Triple Hazy IPA.
Simmo gets his Biscuits Broken for the second time, in awe of the delectable Biscoff Porter, while all 3 of us marvel in terror & anticipation at the FIRST Barleywine we’ve ever reviewed!
Thankfully we didn’t continue recording after we’d finished these incredible, booze-heavy brews, because Shenanigan Sunday was in full swing and nobody needed to hear the rubbish we carried on with.
For an episode and a Sunday afternoon we’ll never forget, Hawkers, we thank you.
Be sure to check out their first class core range, available where all good beer is sold.
Plus a special thanks to My Beer Dealer for supplying this week’s products.
Up the Hawkers!

Impending Doom Mosaic-Hopped Triple Hazy IPA
We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again: Mosaic is an absolute weapon among hops.
Up to this point, we hadn’t yet armed a triple hazy IPA with its prowess of stone fruit, citrus and resin; however, that changes with this beer.
At 10.5% ABV and wielding Mosaic like an extension of its own body, it’s not a beer to be taken lightly, lest it becomes your demise.
440ml | 10.5% ABV

You’re Breakin’ My Biscuits Biscoff Porter
It’s hard to describe why Biscoff biscuits are so delicious, but they simply are.
We’re taking the inexplicable deliciousness and adding it to this robust porter without restraint, creating a tasty snack and a delectable beer melded together in perfect harmony.
It’s unclear why this wasn’t more of a thing already, but rest assured it is now.
440ml | 9% ABV

Barleywine 2023
Once you’ve created a monster, it can’t always be controlled—this untamed barleywine is both gentle giant and brutish beast, wielding sultry notes of dried fruits and fortified wine.
Show it due respect, and it will return the favour.
440ml | 11.2% ABV