Beercast #45 – CoConspirators Brewing Co Showcase
After a late winter sabbatical, the Border Barrels crew returns to the Not So Good Shed for a deliciously malty afternoon, courtesy of Brunswick champions CoConspirators Brewing Co.
Unlike our usual offering, this week’s tasting paddle isn’t full of hop-forward juicy IPA’s.
Instead, we confirm what we’d been suspecting for a while… dark lagers rule.
Simmo’s favourite Red IPA of all time is another highlight, as well as a chocolatey Baltic Porter to bring it all home.
We also have a look at the history of the brewery, some interesting statistics from their Untappd ratings, and give credit where it’s due to their incredible graphic designer.
Thanks to CoConspirators for the fantastic beers, The Lane Cellars for supplying them, and our fearless leader Simmo, for jumping back into the saddle after a difficult couple of months.
CoConspirators Brewing Co
The Lane Cellars

The Nightcrawler – Dark Lager
Aromas of rich dark chocolate and toast invite you in.
Followed by a medium body slight caramel, toast, and moorish, lingering dark chocolate finish.
440ml | 4.5% ABV

The Barber – Baltic Porter
To shave a face requires some grace, and the Barber will make your bristle clean like a whistle.
In her shop there’s no appontment needed, just ask for a closse shave and your expectations will be exceeded.
This porter is the perfect pairing for a short back and sides: a slick, black beer that slides down your freshly razored throat.
Chocolate, coffee and biscuit toastiness fade into a restrained roastiness, complete with a bitter finish that cleaner the The Barbers strop.
440ml | 6.5% ABV

The Bandit – Red IPA
The Bandit’s at large and on the run, headed Eastbound and down on an interstate transit in the Trans-Am.
Illegal cargo in tow, a truckload of beer barreling towards the border, the CB reading loud and clear as he escapes both law and order.
This big, dank Red IPA is a worthy pursuit, with Chewy caramel, cola, pine and marmalde to boot.
While his red-hot Pontiac purrs across the pavement, the sky is blazingly sunny, The Bandit is in this for the money, the glory, and the fun.
But mostly for the money.
440ml | 7.1% ABV